jupyter-timetracker : Time Management in a Pythonic Way

What is it?

jupyter-timetracker is a powerful python library to track, manage and analyse your time. The goal of this library to easily track your time spent in various activities and get to know more about yourself in a way that which activities you do most in a day. Also it can keep track of your daily activities for years, decades or so long. If you are too obsessive about utilising every single second of your life, it can keep track of each second of your life. Also, if you are lazy and want to track only 2-3 important activities, then you can do that also by entering those activities that matters to you.

Main Features

Here are just a few of the things that timelog does vey well :

In short, You will get a clear picture of how you spend your time in a day, in a week, in a month or in a year. If you want to write an autobiography or memoir in the future , this python library can be of immense help.


Timesheet is basically the main database which has all records of your entered activities. It has 5 colums, Activity Name, From ( start time ), To ( Stop Time), Notes ( optional), Duration. Duration will automatically be calculated based on your start and stop time. You need only to select your activity from the drop down Menu and enter your start and stop time. Optionally, you can add your remarks/comments in the form of notes. Below is the screenshot of my own timesheet that I have been using since August 2019. Now as you can see my timesheet database has grown up in size having more than 10000 entries and still working fine.


Note : If you are working on your desktop, then you don’t need to enter even start and stop time, you can go in timer tab, select an activity and click on green icon. It will take start time from your system’s clock. When you finished your activity just click on red icon to stop as you can see in the above timesheet.


  1. Make sure that you have Installed Anaconda Python in your System.
  2. run pip install jupyter-timetracker from anaconda command prompt or linux terminal Timesheet

To Run

  1. Open Jupyter Notebook and create a new Python 3 Notebook

  2. Run the following Lines
    import timetracker

  3. A widget shoud appear for manual entry. Manually enter your first time entry for example you can enter Time spent to install and run this libray) Timesheet

  4. Run the cell again by Ctrl+Enter

  5. A new widget having multiple tabs should have opened (like shown below ). Now you can enjoy tracking your time. Timesheet

The first 3 lines tell you the status about whether you have imported past csv report of atimelogger app. If you don’t use that app, then you can safely ignore these notifications.

Enjoy tracking your time.

If you find any bug in this or you want to share your time tracking experience with me.You can always do that by mailing me at prateekongithib@gmail.com